HEG-Banner---Buzzard | HEG-Banner---Cane | HEG-Banner---Naga | HEG-Banner---Procurer | HEG-Banner---DST | HEG-Banner---Osprey | HEG-Banner---Prospect |
HEG-Banner---Rokh |
Better Buybacks
Buybacks provide a way for Brave members to easily turn raw materials into ISK, without the hassle of unreliable market orders or the expense of exporting. Just send us a contract and you're done!
We aim to encourage collaboration among older players and new arrivals alike in exploration, which is usually a solo activity. The exploration loot buyback provides an incentive for players to work together by submitting signatures to one of our collaborative exploration tools. The end result? Hours of scanning down worthless signatures saved and more ISK in your pocket. Click below for details.
In addition to this, we run a compressed ore buyback for all non-moon ores that you might mine. Deliver the ore, compressed, to one of four systems and receive the best rate in the region! Click below for details.